“Let’s them go wash up!” Subtle forms of sexism in language

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Silvia Ramírez Gelbes


In recent years, both in Spanish and in other languages, a debate has been generated about sexism in language, particularly when the morphological masculine in its unmarked value alludes to sexed beings. However, this is not the only manifestation of sexism in language. After conducting a bibliographical review, this paper critically analyzes six different examples of subtle sexism in the Spanish language: the use of neutral-gendered terms, syntagms that reproduce stereotypes, some dictionary definitions, the use of masculine nouns for professional women, the contravention of discursive protocol norms, and the asymmetrical treatment of men and women. However, it should be noted that the elimination of these usages (or their non-existence in some languages) does not imply, per se, equality of gender rights in society.


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Ramírez Gelbes, S. (2023). “Let’s them go wash up!” Subtle forms of sexism in language. Descentrada, 7(2), e207. https://doi.org/10.24215/25457284e207
Dosier 1: Discursividades disidentes, fronteras enunciativas y espacios de decir periféricos. Reflexiones sobre el lenguaje no sexista, el lenguaje inclusivo y los discursos con perspectiva de género


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